
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

An Insight on “The need for a Working Society”

Flora Tristan was a woman brought up by her mother. Her father died when she was very young, and she was denied, due to her illegitimacy, her father†s inheritance as a rich aristocrat. She gained strength living in poverty and as an adult fought for her place in her father†s family. Although Flora did not succeed in receiving the inheritance she was welcomed within the family. After escaping from her brutal husband, Flora took her daughter and began a life of travels; learning about people, societies, and especially the lives of women. Flora Tristan†s largest accomplishment was the development and teachings of the Workers† Union, with the incorporation of equality for women with every step . I will focus on how Tristan linked the conditions of women and men workers, how her proposed Workers† Union emancipated both men and women, and how she was received by workingwomen and workingmen. Tristan†s ability to link the conditions of women and men workers was incredible. Tristan saw and experienced the abuse of women in the home and on the job. She linked a woman†s life as a servant to her husband, children, father, and brothers. Women lived life uneducated, unstimulated, and underutilized. â€Å"Tristan continued, women were kept ignorant, brought up either to be gentle and patronizing dolls or slaves, destined to please and serve their masters. † (Strumingher, 97) Tristan believed that it was in a man†s own self-interest to work for the equality of women at work. For men would reap the benefits of gaining more household income and the betterment of their marriage and home life. Not only this, but men would not have to work as hard with the emancipation of women. Tristan was appalled by the working conditions of the English workers†, both men an women, they were unbearable. She visited many factories and could not believe the abuse and unsanitary conditions. She thought that England was indeed the most abusive place for the humanity of the workers. The toxic smells, the extreme contrasts between severe cold into the fiery hot burning coals they had to endure. The life expectancy was short, approximately thirty five for industrial men, and a bit higher for those not under such intense labor. The moral of these workers were low. Happiness was not an option these people worked twelve hours a day and by the time they go home they ate and slept to regain their strength for the next day, fun and enjoyment was not an choice. The end result of the extreme labor was said to be the increase of those going to the taverns and drinking into oblivion. This was the only way for the working class to get away from the miserable conditions of working life. â€Å"In England, where the working class is much more ignorant and unhappy than in France, the workers, men and women, push this vice of drunkenness to the brink of insanity. (Beik, 118) Drunkenness had become an epidemic, the working class was desperate for a way to escape the mental and physical pain of daily life. The fact that women earned one half the wages of men was one factor that Tristan fought. She became adamant about the equality of equal pay and equal work for both men and women. Tristan advocated that women worked much harder and faster in order to make more money just to survive, in the end the idea was that eventually men would be discarded and replaced by the cheaper labor of women. Through Tristan†s travels she was able to see the inequality women suffered through first hand experience and she was able to visualize, create, and implement a societal change, a paradigm shift, that would impact the history forever. The creation of the Workers† Union and the fight for human rights. Tristan†s proposed Workers† Union did in fact lead to the emancipation of women and workers. The Workers† Union was based on several ideas; equality, human rights, child labor laws, unification of classes, workers compensation, education prior to working, and generating capital to prevent poverty. Tristan fought for equality of men and women in the home, workplace, and in receiving an education. â€Å"†¦ But let us hasten to say that to enjoy equality and liberty in principle is to live in spirit, and if he who brought to the world the law of the spirit spoke wisely in saying that â€Å"man does not live by bread alone,† I believe that it is also wise to say that â€Å"man does not live by spirit alone. † (Beik, 108) Tristan captivated the idea of happiness and its true meaning, that no man or woman could be happy without complete emancipation for everyone. With the idea of the Workers† Union, Tristan†s goal was to unite men and women despite their trades, associations, or classes. This unification would bond the groups together to be large enough to fight for justice as needed against those in power. The idea that small groups do not carry a voice and one large group carries strength and has one large voice to be heard. â€Å"In sum Flora†s Workers† Union advocated a general union of men and women of all trades dedicated to two principles: the right to work for all workers, and equal pay for equal work. (Strumingher, 101) Tristan also proposed to have a place where children could go to receive food, hygiene and grooming instructions, exercise, crafts while earning money at the same time. They were in essence being paid to get a basic education and skills. This place was known as the â€Å"Workers† Palace†. Tristan succeeded with the emancipation of both men and women by presenting her research, teaching, and wining people over to the idea of the Workers† Union and how this would help to support men and woman. By understanding the limitations of humans, by looking for a balance of work and time for pleasure, and by stressing the need for education for our children. Tristan met the hearts of people and captured the insanity of their current lifestyles. She was able to influence the naive and accept those who could not understand doing anything other than serving their husbands and children. In general Tristan had a variance in how she was received by men and women. Some women did not accept her due to the hatred caused by ignorance, she was accused of misleading husbands. All in all Tristan was accepting of those who did not see her way and would move on to find people who would listen and follow. She didn†t waste time on useless tactics, she used her time and influence wisely. As Tristan†s plan was evolving, she began to meet with as many influential men as she could. Artisans who liked the idea but not the idea of being relegated to sharing her ideas. She moved on to many other artisans with no success until she read and corresponded with the works of two others, Adolphe Boyer, and Pierre Moreau. These two men worked to reform the compagnonnage and agreed with many of Tristan†s ideas. Workers, we shouldn†t help each other only because we†re in the same trade, but because we are all workers, all in the same social category. † ( Strumingher, 91) Most men and women endorsed, at least a part of, Tristan†s plan of the Worker†s Union, at least pieces of it were accepted by most. She had many difficulties in publishing her work, unable to publish in the press and unable to find a publisher who would support her. She began a diary. Tristan took up a collection from her friends and with this money she was able to publish her first book. Tristan had the chore of having to change the ideas of a society and a way of life. People tend to resist change and have a hard time visualizing the benefits, especially when asked to contribute money each year for this Union. In spite of these obstacles, Tristan had a tremendous following. Women and workers were considered one in the same, both leading lives of unhappiness and slavery. Both were immersed in poverty and abuse, were suppressed, and suffered dehumanization. With the creation of the Workers† Union, Tristan recognized the need to change the way the working class, and women were treated. She brought together different classes, sexes, and moved children out of the workforce and into education. She fought for equal rights for everyone. The Workers† Union slowly changed history, slowly, to developing women and men and leading to their full emancipation. This was the beginning of a future of human rights and an educated society, regardless of sex or race. With these changes Tristan taught, wrote, and traveled to educate the people. She was embraced by many and also had many critics. Most people embraced pieces of Tristan†s plans, which helped in the overall acceptance of the beginning of the Workers† Union.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Game Theory and Report Teachers Association

Ridgecrest School Dispute Initial Report Teachers’ Association 11/15/12 In order to maximize combined interests and reach the Pareto Efficient Frontier, our strategy is to build trust by sharing information about our interests and priorities. In addition, sharing information can help create a positive relationship with the Board of Education and can increase the chances that they will reciprocate that behavior by giving away information about their interests and priorities.Given that many people are reluctant to share information with the other side, we also plan on asking the Board of Education many questions so that we can learn from what is not said as well as from what is said. Another strategy we will use to create value is to make multiple offers simultaneously because it helps to collect valuable information and it makes us appear more flexible. This is a particularly important strategy given that we can compromise on various issues if the other side is willing to offer us some concessions on other matters in return.For instance, we would be willing to accept a formula in which any pay received for performing civic duty would be deducted from regular pay if the board is willing to meet our demands for salary acceptably (See planning document for what is acceptable). The cost-cutting strategy is useful in that it allows for one party to get what it wants while the other has the costs associated with its concession reduced or eliminated. This is a strategy we will use by proposing to the other side a budget that we have come up with that minimizes our concessions while still allowing them to get what they want (See attached Budget Proposal).We have prepared this budget so that when the other side claims that there is no other way expenditures can be cut, we can show them an alternative solution. In addition, we also want to trade off differences in interests and priorities in order to create value. We plan on doing this by trading issues that are mo st important to us such as salary and workload for issues that are most important to the other side. We realize that this might be a problem if the interests that are most important to us are also most important to the other side.But, there might be issues that are significantly more important in terms of other issues to one side than they are to the other side. Finally, we plan on searching for post-settlement settlements in order to look for an agreement that is better for both sides. Once we have created the most possible value that can be created, we will use strategies to claim value. First, we will open aggressively given that initial positions act as anchors and affect the perception of what outcomes are possible. We will do this by asking for more than our target (See planning document for target).For example, we will ask for a $7,000 increase in salaries for lower levels and reduce the pupil/teacher ratio to 13:1. We realize that the other side will not agree to this, but i t will still be helpful as an anchor. Another strategy we will use to claim value is to give credible reasons for our interests whenever possible (See Issues Analysis for several reasons). For instance, the reason we want an increase in salaries is because we have not had any salary increases in years and our workday is longer than the NJ average (See attached for NJ average). If we do not have a credible reason for an interest, then we will use a pseudo reason.In addition, we will know what interests we are willing and not willing to give concessions on (See planning document for concessions). This is important given that there are so many issues in this negotiation that we can compromise on if the other side is willing to give us something else in return. Finally, we are prepared to make smaller concessions to indicate that we are reaching our bottom line without revealing our bottom line. This is always an important strategy because we want a deal that is close to our target, but are willing to accept any deal that is at or above our bottom line.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Public Administration Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Administration - Case Study Example there is a pertinent role that deserves to be played by the stakeholders so that the negative effects that it has had in US are neutralized and mitigated. The federal government is tasked with the responsibility of taking care of border security, custom points and controlling the process of becoming an American citizen. Conversely, the state governments as well as the federal governments are tasked with the onus and charge of handling illegal immigration issues (Espenshade, 2005). The state and the local governments provide education, health, medical and social services to the illegal immigrants. This is another reason the issue of illegal immigration is an intergovernmental one. Shafritz & Russell (2012) say that illegal immigration is an issue that has been politically significant. The US constitution has very little on the immigration issue, and this has given room for the issue to be used politically since there are no clear guidelines in the US Constitution for dealing with the issue. Consequently, governments have always resorted to coming up with state laws that are meant to curb this issue. In the press, there have been divided opinions on the best why that the state and federal governments can use to handle and fully tackle this problem. Despite the divided opinions on the issue and the politicization of the matter, every member of the American society agrees that the issue needs to be dealt with and failing to do so will result in even more problems for both the state and the federal government. Solving the illegal immigration issue requires the full involvement in the various levels of governments. The reason this cooperation and collaboration is necessary is the fact that the matter is an issue that is cross cutting (Kennedy, 2004). No level of government is spared from the negative impacts of illegal immigration into America. The federal government is required to play the biggest role in handling the issue of the illegal immigration. This is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

New Business Start Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

New Business Start Up - Essay Example As they are planning to introduce a totally new product and brand to consumers, they are anxious about the consumers' response and reaction. For that detailed survey was carried out. It must be notified that Radiant Co. products target skin conscious people of upper middle and upper class. Sample size focused on age groups of 15 onwards. The Survey primarily focused on age level between 15-25 because sun protection and beauty conscious people are mostly found in this age group. But other age groups were also explored to know their behavior. In the soap market many brands dominate the scene, making their presence felt in one way or the other either through aggressive advertising or promotional schemes. LUX dominates the soap market through its outstanding market share, as supported by the survey result its market domination is 51%. LUX with periodical revitalization of its brand has kept the product in the British for a long period of time. Therefore, LUX appears to be the major competition for Hibuty in the soap industry, especially when one of its soap is providing sunscreen formula as an additive feature. Next stands SAFEGUARD, with 23% market share. SAFEGUARD is gaining a lot of popularity as a medicated soap fighting germ all- round -the- clock. There is a future threat to Hibuty of its emerging as a new competitor, although not a direct one as SAFEGUARD presents itself as medicated rather a sun protective soap. Other soaps include Nivea Milk, English Lavender, Safeguard, Lifebouy and Dove. Most Influencing Factors in Soap Purchasing The major influencing factor of potential Hibuty customers, in making their purchasing decision for soap is GOOD QUALITY. 60% of the market gives performance of the soap a priority when buying it. Second most influencing factor determining their soap purchasing decision is brand loyalty with 25% of the market getting affected by it. Third factor being again brand loyalty (23%), fourth most influencing factor is easy availability (30%); fifth most affecting factor is less price (36.5%). Least most influencing factor is status of soap marked as imported (50%). Survey reveals that soap purchasing decision in not at very much influenced by foreign status of the soap. The survey shows that there is opportunity for any soap that offer good quality at reasonable price, potential customers of Hibuty are not very price conscious as they consider LESS PRICE option among the least influencing factors list. Commonly found skin type Survey purports that most common skin type found is oily with 40% of the customers having it. Normal skin types consist of 32% of the market, t-zone or combination skin (13%), sensitive (5%). Preference of fragrance in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Effects of Alcohol on the Body Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Effects of Alcohol on the Body - Term Paper Example The present research article highlight the impact of alcohol on the various organ and organ systems of human body. As soon as the alcohol is consumed, it enters the blood stream. 70% of the human body is made up of water and alcohol is distributed in this water content. Organs which require plentiful blood supply to work in an appropriate manner, such as brain, are badly affected. Various other active organs like heart, liver, kidneys etc are also affected. Essentially, need to understand the impact of alcohol on various organs is of paramount significance. Introduction Since the dawn of human civilization, use of drugs and alcohol became an inevitable part of life to relieve sufferings and have a contented and happy life. Human beings possess a craving for good food items which not only generate a good feeling but also act as a stimulant. This was pertinent to making them look for substances which alleviated their mood. Discovery of fermentation served as a landmark which paved the way for alcohol production. With time, alcohol production has taken new paradigms and has become a part of culture as social drink while others became addicted to the same. Consumption of alcohol is harmful in its natural form, besides, human temperament to enhance the potency of the compound, the natural flavor was altered and things started taking a new shape and composition to provide mood swing and to deflect the feelings of stress and anxiety towards good emotions. Gradually, this process took a large form, and now people consume alcohol on a regular basis. Once beneficial in altering the situation of melancholy and dissatisfaction for individuals to feel a new life, alcohol consumption becomes part of their routine forming habit, high consumption is deleterious to health and affects the body system to a greater extent (History of Drug & Alcohol Abuse). Alcohol is a volatile liquid and possess high affinity for water. This makes alcohol highly soluble and thereby alcohol causes depressant effect on central nervous system. It acts as a hypnotic sedative and cause an array of deleterious consequences. Alcohol concentration in blood is signified as BAC or Blood Alcohol Content (Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body). Impact of Alcohol on Human Body Physical Effects of Alcohol Alcohol affects body and brain, implications are observed in the walking styles of the individual as well as way of speaking, in certain cases one may speak meaningless and irrational things. Behaviour of the individual could be out of character. However some of the features may remain with the individual while others may vanish overnight. individuals may display hangover when they wake up. As soon as alcohol is consumed, it irritates oesophagus and stomach, followed by sickness, nausea and in some cases diarrhoea. Alcohol also brings dehydration causing thumping effect (Effects of Alcohol). Appearance Lot of alcohol consumption may result in bloating and dark eye circles, alcohol also l eads to dryness of skin, wrinkles may appear which shows premature aging. Heavy consumption of alcohol leads to the development of acne rosacea resulting in the facial disfiguration, this condition is known as rhinophyma (Effects of Alcohol). Alcohol Poisoning Alcohol consumption results in alcohol poisoning, individual may tend to inhale self vomiting resulting in lung damage,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Process of Supply and Value Chain Management Assignment

Process of Supply and Value Chain Management - Assignment Example As the study highlights  the value chain provides an effective way to understand the sources of the buyer value that determines the price, and why a product or a service is substituted by another company’s product. Thus, the strategies can be defined as an internal formation of activities that differentiates a firm from its rivals. In this report the benefits and the risks of undertaking the full implementation of a supply and value chain management to a multi-product manufacturing company will be explained. Furthermore, the examples of strategy implemented by Colgate Palmolive will be assessed. Thus, whether the implementation of supply and value chain management in an organisation will be profitable to the organisation or not will be recognised.  A supply chain concept includes different networked companies with the same objective, such as meeting buyer requirements. Furthermore, it is a mutual agreement between interdependent organisations to work together to improve, manage and control the flow of raw materials and information from the suppliers to the consumers.  The organisations should ensure that the supply chain is an error- free business network which is required to perform activities at all the levels of the production. Thus, it can be stated that the supply chain consists of interdependent organ isations of suppliers and business processes that are needed to be controlled effectively.  ... The prime goal of the company is to use the technologies to create products that will improve the lifestyle qualities of the consumers. Thesis Statement In this report the benefits and the risks of undertaking the full implementation of a supply and value chain management to a multi-product manufacturing company will be explained. Furthermore, the examples of strategy implemented by Colgate Palmolive will be assessed. Thus, whether the implementation of supply and value chain management in an organisation will be profitable to the organisation or not will be recognised. Process of Supply and Value Chain Management A supply chain concept includes different networked companies with the same objective, such as meeting buyer requirements. Furthermore, it is a mutual agreement between interdependent organisations to work together to improve, manage and control the flow of raw materials and information from the suppliers to the consumers. Additionally, it can also be defined as the network of business units that indulge from the initial stages, from procuring the raw materials to manufacturing it and then making the finished products available to the consumers through an effective distribution system. The organisations should ensure that the supply chain is an error- free business network which is required to perform activities at all the levels of the production. Thus, it can be stated that the supply chain consists of interdependent organisations of suppliers and business processes that are needed to be controlled effectively. Therefore, the member organisations are required to know how the materials and information flow all the way through the supply chain, from the initial supplier to the consumers (Vanharanta & Breite, â€Å"A Supply and Value Chain Management

Stress Levels at Work in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stress Levels at Work in Canada - Essay Example Their prime focus is to train the employees and contribute to their knowledge building process which makes them competent enough to handle the stress generated from incompetency and job insecurity amidst technological changes. Â  This is why the specific code of conduct and leadership opportunities are available at Ericsson Canada to develop their personality and assist them in their personal strategies to cope with stress. Employee empowerment is also a part of the initiative (Ericsson n.d). Â  Health Canada is a healthcare organization which puts greater emphasis on stress management of employees because they ultimately have to provide caregiving and health care services to other patients. Their prime objective in the stress management drive is to reduce the instances of non-healthy habits which employees resort to when stressed. As such, it involves cessation of smoking, programs for weight control and dietary habits and overall stress management techniques (Loo 1993). Â  Thus, its stress management and wellness program emphasizes more on physical fitness and developing capabilities to remain fit and fine. This will ultimately improve the caliber of employees to handle the work pressure and reduce the levels of stress. Â  Devon Energy is an energy company in Canada where employees face common instances of job insecurity and compensation concerns due to fluctuating oil prices and global turmoil. Being regulated more by political and economic pressures, the company has put in place stringent ethical and compliance rules which do not allow the employees to cross the acceptable behavior boundary (Ethics Point 2010). Â  Emergency health services and better perks and incentives are introduced to motivate the employees for better performance. This allows them to take a little amount of stress in a positive way and as a challenge to develop their abilities.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aristotles Political Virtue and Modern Conceptions of Citizenship Essay

Aristotles Political Virtue and Modern Conceptions of Citizenship - Essay Example Aristotle's beliefs still hold relevance in today's conceptions of citizenship. Aristotle writes that prior to inquiring about the attributes and essences of government a person must find an answer to the question "What is a state" (Book 3, chapter 1, 1275a). In Politics (1252-3), Aristotle states his belief that humans came together out of a common need, thus the formation of cities and city-states. Cities served as a means to better control the residents within a given country or empire; the city still served as the most effective point of contact between the people who ruled and those they ruled over (Freeman, 1999). With this thought in mind, a city would seem to run much more effectively while under the administration of one leader--so perhaps a civilisation could too. It is evident, therefore, that we must begin by asking, who is the citizen, and what is the meaning of the term For here again there may be a difference of opinion. He who is a citizen in a democracy will often not be a citizen in an oligarchy (Book 3, chapter 1, 1275a). Aristotle also commented that besides the citizens, states are comprised of other elements, such as a working class, a rich class, and a poor class (Politics, Book 4, chapter 4). The working class, which was in the middle of the two extremes, Aristotle believed to be the most capable of following rational principles. His logic was simple: those people who appeared to have to much in the way of luxuries would not be likely to submit to other citizens' authority, while those who were extremely lacking in even the basic necessities of life would likely feel too degraded to obey another's rule. Therefore, a working class would help to balance the few, wealthy elite with the many, antagonistic poor (Politics, Book 4, chapter 4). Aristotle had gone on to specify the many different groups within these three basic types, to include: military, husbandry, traders, artisans, magistrates, serfs and labourers. As has happened several times throughout history, the existence of inequality between rich and poor sparked tensions between these social classes. Contrary to previous tribal or contemporary feudal societies, Athens at this point in time did not boast any priestly class. For as culturally diverse as the world is becoming, a political community can only flourish is there is at least an agreement on the rules (Financial Times, 2005); this notion of politics is very broad. Included with this idea of politics are methods for choosing who will hold executive, judicial, and legislative powers and what the holders of these powers are entitled to do (Financial Times, 2005). Politics concerns the rights of individual citizens

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Formal Strategic Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Formal Strategic Planning - Essay Example UK is an abbreviation for United Kingdom, Words in quote are exact words used by author. For a common man, the word "strategy" simply means being systematic. A tactic he will use to ensure his success or to his belief is the right way to prevail. If we are to really critically analyze the impact of formal SP to the business performance of Hospitality SME's and arrive into a realistic conclusion, we must clearly identify every aspect of SP and business operations of SME's. Strategic Planning definitions or implementation varies in the environment and business type. A more general and maybe the most practical interpretation of the term is concern with "long-term direction of the organization" (O'Regan et. al., 2002). It is where an organization defines the business they should to take on and match their business activities to the current situation while taking great consideration to the resources on hand .This method by and large helps to reduce the threats and take full advantage of opportunities. However, SP although a "long-term" plan may constantly change in order to survive and maintain equilibrium to the ever changing business environment. It should forestall and act in response to its varying dynamic operational environment (O'Regan et. al, 2002). It is then a competent and effective management tool to augment the company's ability or strength in relation to its business adversary. Strategic planning maybe categorized into two types, informal and formal. The informal type of SP, referring to Robinson and Pearce, 1983, along with several authors, is likely occurring in smaller firms than larger ones (Hannon et. al, 1997 p.105). They stress that it is the size of the business and the stage of development of that business influenced the nature of planning. In addition, smaller businesses tends to aim more and concentrate on the "process of planning" (Hannon et. al., 1997, p. 105) which is opposite to larger firms approach of identifying their goals and objectives. The author also added that informal planners in small firms undergoes some kind of "strategic decision-making" activity which is also similar to the strategies being perform by formal planners. They also believed that the activity or the process itself has more advantage to small firms than the production of written or formal outputs (Hannon et al., 1997, p.105). Formal planning according to Armstrong, ( 1992), as stated by Hannon et. al., (1997), is the setting up of clear goal and processes to realize a particular task. It is therefore worth considering that the statements provided points to informal planning as the type where smaller firms are focusing largely on the business operation process rather than "output" or goal of the process. Formal "strategic planning" according to Cox B., (2005) though, is a "top-down, vision-driven process" to develop an organization's future value. Although literatures do not mention a universal definition to separate or set a clear distinction between formal and informal SP, we may define informal planning as a less documented and unofficial but similarly effective and efficient type of SP. According to Needle D., (2000) referring to Hickson et. al. (1969), size is an important

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Negotiation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Negotiation paper - Essay Example The main agenda of this tactic was to ensure the agent could not undermine me. My silence did not give the agent a clue of what I really wanted and the amount I was willing to pay for the property. I adopted the trick so that the seller felt bullied, which made him easily give in to my demands. The buildings were well built, insured and the surrounding environment aesthetically preserved. Early, survey was conducted where the buildings were examined and all documents verified for their validity. Following this, the agent had placed a value of $ 100,000 on the property. My plan was to spend between $ 60,000 and $ 80,000 although I was hoping that my tactics would play a greater role in ensuring that I bargain for lesser pay. It was time for negotiation, but the agent was not himself; he was full of fear and lacked composure. We took a few minutes staring at each other, but I took advantage of the situation and asked him the much he was willing to sell the property. I was focused on ensuring that I stay within my price range. I did not want to be the first person to make the offer because I was certain of its impact on the counter offer. He stated that he was offering the property at $ 85,000. Because the price was within my range, I did not behave in a manner to suggest the offer was favorable to me. I knew that initial offers are considerably unsuccessful as compared to the counter offer individual. The advantage of a first offer occurs when negotiating with an individual with no or less experience; because I have more than four years experience in the sector, I was very confident I would win. To react to my seller’s offer, I gave him a long silent look which in some way threatened him. I asked him if he was certain about the offer,, but in reply he asked me the much I was willing to part with, to be on the safe side, I did not say anything. After a short silence, the agent told me that he was willing to lowers the price from

Monday, July 22, 2019

Originally and Lanarkshire Girls Essay Example for Free

Originally and Lanarkshire Girls Essay Compare and contrast two poems, one by each poet, taking account of the methods (situation, form and structure, and language, including imagery and tones) which each poet uses to write about her mother.  The poems ‘Originally’ by Carol-Ann Duffy and ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ by Liz Lochhead both deal with the theme of journeys. The former poem is about a situation in which the speaker and her family moved cities. It describes the speaker’s uncertainty with regards to her identity. The second poem, ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ recalls the first time the speaker as a fourteen year old took the bus into the city of Glasgow with her friends. For both the speakers, the journey and experience are new to them. They both share similar environments in which they travel, with the speaker in ‘Originally’ riding in a ‘red room’ and the speaker in ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ travelling in a ‘red bus’. In exploiting the colour red, the poets may be conveying a sense of anxiety that accompanies the speakers on their unfamiliar journeys. However, any sense of anxiety felt by the speaker in ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ is short lived and replaced with excitement as with, ‘money burning a hole’ in the girls’ pockets, they began ‘dreaming’ themselves up. On the other hand, the anxiety felt by the speaker in ‘Originally’ doesn’t deteriorate but worsens and affects not only the speaker, but her entire family too, ‘My parents’ anxiety stirred like a loose tooth.’ This speaks to the permanency and consequences of each journey. For the speaker in Duffy’s poem, the consequences of the journey are large and the relocation is permanent as although she wants to return to her ‘own country’ desperately, she cannot. In contrast, the journey taken by the speaker in ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ is temporary and the consequences, little. Once the speaker has explored her destination of Glasgow city, she and her friends will return to t heir rural homes. ‘Originally’ is arranged in three stanzas, each with eight lines, this ridged structure allows the reader to consider fully, the impact of the journey. In addition, each stanza takes a different viewpoint; therefore by taking a separate stanza for each one the reader can follow each perspective more easily. The first stanza describes the journey through the eyes of the speaker as a child, the second takes a generic view of childhood overall and considers it metaphorically, and the third is from the speaker’s perspective again, this time as an adult who is still struggling with her identity. Similarly, ‘Lanarkshire Girls’ is arranged into three stanzas, however, each with a different number of lines, the poem is in free verse. This is to accommodate the anecdotal style of the poem. The poet arranges this poem into three stanzas to represent the three different stages of the journey, the first as the speaker is leaving the rural country-side, the second deals with the approach to the city, and the third describes the city of Glasgow itself.

Development, Features and Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

Development, Features and Treatment of Acne Vulgaris Millions of people worldwide suffer from acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris is classified as inflammation of the skin and the appearance of blemishes. With a large variety of acne treatments, it can be hard to know where to start. From home remedies to prescribed medications, it is common for individuals to have trouble with finding the right treatment. Acne vulgaris is treatable with a number of methods, but it is important to understand that the successful eradication of acne vulgaris is specific to the individuals skin. The development of acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands. The development of acne begins at the cellar level where the hair follicle is blocked. The hair follicle is an opening in the skin which hair and sebum reach the skins surface. The hair follicle and the sebaceous gland is where acne begins to form. This process may go wrong for those who have acne and the dead skin cells and oil are not cleared out of the pore properly. (Mayo Clinic, 2015) The sebum and dead skin cells become trapped in the follicle. This debris that is trapped in the follicle blocks the pore opening. The blockage is a called a comedo, a clogged hair follicle in the skin. The blockage invites Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), a bacterium that causes the inflammation of acne breakouts. The comedo creates an environment that lacks oxygen in the follicle. This environment is favored by P. acnes that will thrive and grow out of control in the follicle. The follicle will continue to fill up with sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria and it will start to swell up. White blood cells go to fight the bacteria in your pores. Redness, swelling, and pus is created forming a pimple. There are multiple things that cause acne. First, there are overactive sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands are responsible for creating sebum and oil that are needed for the skins surface. People who are prone to acne have sebaceous glands that create more sebum than what is needed. The excess oil in the hair follicle will create a blockage in the pore and becomes a comedo. (Web MD, 2015) This is what creates the environment that invites Propionibacterium acnes to grow. Second cause of acne is the abnormal shedding of the skin cells. The epidermis, the top layer of your skin, is always shedding dead skin cells. This natural process of exfoliation is called desquamation. Skin cells travel through the epidermis until they reach the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, where they will fall out and become replaced by newer skin cells below. Desquamation goes wrong with those who have acne and cells are produced faster than normal and the skin cells wont shed and will get trapped in the follicle. The third cause is the proliferation of bacteria in your skin. The most common bacterium that is found in your skin is Propionibacterium. This bacterium grows out of control in those with acne. P. acnes thrives in your pores that are blocked because of the lack of oxygen. P. acnes digest the oil that is trapped in the pores of your skin and produces a fatty acid waste. The waste will irritate your skin that causes the redness and inflammation. P. acnes is antibiotic resistant and cannot be washed away. However, there are treatments available that can help you treat and get rid of the bacteria in your skin. There are other factors that cause acne outside of your body. For example, hormones enlarge the pores and increase the rate of sebum production that can cause clogging. There are many different kinds of acne that you can get. These include: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Whiteheads, in appearance, are exactly how they are sound. This type of acne has a white head on the surface of your skin. This is caused by sebum and dead skin cells that are blocking your hair follicles. Sebum production and dead skin cell exfoliation is natural for your skin and is needed to keep your skin healthy. However, if this process goes wrong, then that is when you risk getting clogged pores because excess oil and dead skin cells will get trapped and accumulate. Blackheads are relatively similar to whiteheads and also look exactly how they sound. Blackheads are also classified as comedones and look like black dots on the surface of your skin. (Acne, 2015) However, whiteheads are closed in the pores of your skin and blackheads are open. This gives the blackheads appearance. Blackheads are formed when the blockage that is trapped inside the p ore becomes oxidized. Papules are essentially a level higher than a whitehead that has been inflamed. A papule contains bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells similar to the whitehead, but it does not contain pus. It is set apart from whiteheads by inflammation and redness. Pustules are similar to papules, but contain pus. Pustules are small round lesions appearing whitish on the center because of the pus. Nodes and cysts are similar to each other in terms of acne types. Nodules are severely inflamed and large lesions on the deep layers of the skin. Cysts are smaller and softer pus-filled lesions. These two types of acne can occur together, creating nodular cystic acne, or independently. These types of acne begin as papules and pustules and become nodes/cysts when they become irritated. This causes them to go deeper into the skin and produce pus. Many treatments and medications to treat acne vulgaris can be bought over the counter. Over-the-counter medications and treatments are also known as OTCs. These medications and treatments do not require a prescription issued by a doctor. Treatments that can be readily obtained are known to treat mild to moderate acne. Common over the counter treatments can take the form of lotions, gels, and washes.ÂÂ   Common bases of over the counter acne vulgaris treatments include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and alpha hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy acids include glycolic acid and lactic acid. Benzoyl peroxide is the most common over the counter acne medication. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015)ÂÂ   Benzoyl peroxide is found in a variety of gels, lotions, and soaps. Benzoyl peroxide has drying qualities, which removes excess oil and dirt. Benzoyl peroxide also is effective at eradicating bacteria, which often lead to the formation of acne vulgaris. Due to its drying and cleansing properties, benzoyl peroxide also unclogs pores. Side effects of benzoyl peroxide may include rare allergic reactions, redness, dryness, and scaling of the skin. Salicylic acid is another over the counter acne medication that is used often. Salicylic acid is only available in concentrations of 0.5 to 5 percent. Salicylic acid is used primarily as a topical gel or cream that is applied to effected areas several times a day. Salicylic acid works by preventing the clogging of pores. Side effects that may occur with the use of salicylic acid include redness, dryness, and irritation. The most popular alpha hydroxy acids include glycolic acid and lactic acid. Although there are other hydroxyl acids, those acids havent proven to be as effective. Alpha hydroxy acids are synthetic acids that would normally be derived from milk and fruit sugars. Hydroxy acids work by removing the dead layer of skin cells on the top of the epidermis. Hydroxy acids do not remove the epidermis, but they do remove the first layer. Hydroxy acids also stimulate the production of new skin, which then leads to smoother, calmer acne. The two side effects of hydroxyl acids are s un sensitivity and irritation. Sulfur, another base of over the counter treatments, is especially effective at eradicating P. acnes bacterium. The P. acnes bacterium is known to have started developing antibacterial resistance. Sulfur is often combined with other acne-eradicating ingredients. Sulfur is known to dry the skin and cause it to peel off; this is helpful in terms of removing excess odor and preventing the clogging of pores. When over the counter methods of treatment do not work well, it is recommended to then visit a dermatologist. Dermatologists will properly access acne and prescribe a treatment. The three main fields of prescription treatments include topical methods, oral methods, and treatment-based methods. There is a very large variety of prescription treatments available. Although these treatments cannot be readily obtained, they are proven to be more potent and concentrated than over the counter methods. The most common topical treatments for prescription medications are retinoids, antibiotics, and dapzone. Retinoids come in the form of creams and gels. Retinoids work by preventing the plugging of hair follicles. Retinoids are derived from vitamin A and they come in many different types. Although they all serve the same purpose, retinoids include tazarotene, adapalene, and tretinoin. Antibiotics are used as topical ointments and creams to kill the bacteria inside of acne. Dapsone is also an effective topical treatment because in addition to an antibiotic, dapsone effectively works to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Other prescribed treatment methods are oral drugs. Oral drugs include oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives, anti-androgen agents, and isotretinoin. Oral antibiotics have a direct effect on acne by reducing inflammation and killing bacteria on the skins surface. (Mayo Clinic, 2015) Some individuals cannot be treated with antibiotics because they may have built up a tolerance to antibiotics. Doctors may also be concerned with prescribing antibiotics to treat acne because the antibiotics may be used for months, or even years. The usage of antibiotics for a prolonged period of time is likely to develop antibiotic resistance in that individual. Common antibiotics prescribed for acne include doxycycline, limecycline, minocycline, erythromycin, trimethroprim, and cortimoxazalone. Oral contraceptives are also used in women to help reduce acne. Oral contraceptives include hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which balances out the amount of androgen produced in the body. Anti-androge n oral pills may also be prescribed to limit the amount of androgen produced in the body. Isotretinoin is often the last resort for acne treatments because it is a pill that may cause major side effects. Although isotretinoin is very effective, it does require close monitoring by the doctor. Isotretinoin is only prescribed when all other treatment methods have failed. Women that are prescribed this treatment are required to first take part in a Food and Drug Administration monitoring program. Many other treatments prescribed by the doctor are therapies. Therapies include light therapy, which targets bacteria in the skin that cause inflammation. Chemical peels may also be conducted in a doctors office. Chemical peels are acids applied to the skin that help with the eradication of bacteria on skin.ÂÂ   Steroids can also be injected in to nodular and cystic acne to improve appearance. With the injection of steroids, extraction of the cysts and nodules is not necessary. While treating acne, an emerging problem is antibiotic resistance in acnes. The Propoinibacterium found in P. acnes, is a slow growing, thick-walled bacteria that exhibits antibiotic resistance. To treat these types of acnes, doctors must turn to other methods of treatment besides antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance in P. acnes raises concern because it is quite possible that other bacterium may begin to show similar properties. P. Acnes bacterial resistance is common in people treated with antibiotics for acne, and the resistance can spread to their family members and neighbors. (Ngan, 2014) As described above, many methods for acne suppression are available. Although many methods are available, it is important to note that not all treatments are equal in terms of effectiveness and that treatment is individualistic. When choosing an acne treatment method, it is important to know which kind of acne needs to be treated, and how severe it is. Mild to moderate cases of acne vulgaris are commonly successfully treated with over the counter treatments, and severe acne vulgaris is often treated with the help of a medical professional. According to dermatologists, all acne vulgaris is believed to be treatable after proper assessment and examination of the affected individual. Bibliography M. (2015, January 20). Acne Causes. Retrieved January 19, 2017, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acne/basics/causes/con-20020580 M. (2015, January 20). Acne Treatments and drugs. Retrieved January 19, 2017, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acne/basics/treatment/con-20020580 M. (2015, July 09). Over-the-counter acne products: What works and why. Retrieved January 18, 2017, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acne/in-depth/acne-products/art-20045814 Which birth control pills can help reduce acne? (2013, January 30). Retrieved January 19, 2017, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0072393/ Writer, S. (2017, January 11). Different Types of Acne | Learn What Acne Type you Have. Retrieved January 19, 2017, from http://www.acne.com/types-of-acne/acne-signs/

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stimulus measures policy forms

Stimulus measures policy forms Part 1. Some reject stimulus measures in all current policy forms. These economists focus on the damaging activities and decisions of (a) private corporations, (b) commercial banks, and (c) wealthy individuals. How can these three groups that lead our private market system, each in their own way, frustrate and foil the goals of a fiscal stimulus program. The 2009 Stimulus packages that President Obama released were done so with the intentions of trying to fix the recession bound economy. But the question that surfaced was what the long term results of this stimulus package were. Is it more beneficial or more harmful to our already down falling economy? A fiscal stimulus package by the government consists of generally three options either the use of tax cuts, increased transfers or increased government spending. All three options have one problem in common; it will cause the government budget to increase. It can only serve as a temporary boost to the economy, because the government has to find a way to fund this package. When the government needs to spend money that they didnt revenue from taxes it is called a budget deficit, they would need to borrow and most likely from foreign reserve banks or through the selling of bonds. In Keyness economic vision â€Å"the goal of macro policy is not to balance the budget but to balance the economy at full employment.† This does logically make sense because a low availability of jobs would mean an increase of transfer payments including unemployment compensation and welfare benefits. But if new jobs can be created it will decrease the burden of transfer payments and increase tax revenue. An increase of jobs would equal more taxes to collect and less economic problems when unemployment rates are lower. But since the recession and fiscal policy both are signs that suggest, the economic state is not currently at its best for investments. Private corporations are less eager to invest being that from a business perspective their initial intent is to make profit. Without the confidences in future profit rates theres less of an obligation to want to take the risk. I believe that from any business stand point, private corporations are interested in how much profits they can make and maybe secondarily how many jobs a new project or investment can create. Commercial banks on the other hand could result in a â€Å"crowding out effect because the increase in government borrowing will cause a decrease in private sector borrowing†. Crowding out means that theres less progression which is also an â€Å"opportunity cost for government spending†. When the government is shut out of all other options, borrowing money to finance the budget deficits can cause an increase in interest rates. Theres only a certain about of money available for borrowing and if the government borrows, less money is available for business investments. Wealthy individuals would tend to save more and spend less. They may also invest in foreign counties that stand at a better economy. Therefore private corporations, commercial banks, and wealthy individuals are three power groups that hold the foundation of our private market system. They have the general ability to effect consumption rates because of investments. Its a circular flow effect, less jobs cause less overall GDP consumption and less taxes, less confidence in economy, which causes less investment. After all Keynes did say that â€Å"the goal of macro policy is not to balance the budget but to balance the economy at full employment. The main problem here is that there are not enough jobs to boast the economy in the long run. The American dream is to do better than the past generation. Its hard to reach that when jobs arent available and a recession at hand. Part 2. Given our currently high unemployment rate and low inflation rate, argue for or against a Supply-Side policy focus versus a Demand-Side policy emphasis. Aggregate demand or aggregate supply whats a better a choice when you have high unemployment and low inflation rates? I believe that the demand curve is only going to be a temporary answer to the economic problem. â€Å"The demand curve will shift in response to changes in income, changes in expectations (consumer confidence), changes in wealth, changes in credit conditions or changes in tax policy.† The whole purpose of aggregate demand is to stimulate consumer spending. If unemployment is high its unlikely that this will solve the problem. How do you tell someone who is unemployed to buy more? In contrary I think the aggregate supply is a better policy choice to get the economy back and running. â€Å"The policy options to shift AS rightward include: Tax incentives for saving, investment and work, human capital investment, deregulation, trade liberalization and infrastructure development.† This works better because the tax cuts will increase consumption being that it would result in a higher level of disposable income. This means that people would be more motivated to work. Lets just say Person A makes $40,000 a year and taxes used to 10% and now they are down to 5%, this means that instead of paying $4000 in taxes it would just be $2000. Person A is able to work the same amount and have $2000 extra for disposable income. This guarantees that (C+G+I+(x-m) = GPD) GDP will go up if consumption goes up. Human capital investment is a long term effect; people find it worth their benefit to invest in school and training. Our goal is to find a way to both lower unemployment and lower the inflation rates. To do this we have to focus on the supply side or the production part of the market. By producing more (new technology) it would set the platform so that better prices levels are available. The technology is going to be useful for production for a while and the investments in education will increase the standards of living. This means that cheaper goods equal more consumption. Its a long term answer to the economy because the overall GDP will grow. The economy will grow and the production of output rises while unemployment and inflation falls. If all these aspects are intact theres no way that the next generation couldnt do better. I believe that a lot of the economic problems we face today are because of the actions that the government made without thinking of the long term effects. If we want our country to become stronger and stronger we have to think in long term strategies and I believe that the Aggregate Supply Policy is the right one. Part 3. Upon completing ECO 100, you have been hired by the Obama administration to advise them on Foreign Exchange Policy. Their concern is that low interest rates and a large trade deficit have led to a depreciating dollar. Accordingly, first prepare an overview of the way such rates and trade conditions can threaten our currency value. Then secondly, advise the President whether (or not) steps should be taken to strengthen the dollar in foreign exchange markets. What makes euros worth more than dollars and Chinese Yuan to be below both? The answer is that the currency market determines what the exchange rates are worth. The Foreign exchange market is just like the all markets where theres a demand theres a supply. But if there is a more demand than supply then the exchange rate would go up. Meaning if there was a higher demand for U.S dollars; dollar value would increase also known as appreciation. But in this example if there was an excess amount of U.S currency that is above the demand needed then our dollar value fall also known as deprecation. But the rule is that where theres a lost there is always a gain. Meaning if one countrys currency value goes up some other countrys money value has to go down. If the value of the U.S dollars improves in the Foreign Exchange Market then it would increase the overall supply of dollars. If our country has a trade deficit, meaning we import more and export less, we should find a method that attracts more exports. I think that the best approach to take would be to weaken the dollar. But in order for that to happen there had to be a way to alter the supply of U.S currency. In one perspective its a good thing if our dollars are more valuable we would be able to buy more foreign goods with the same dollar. But if theres too much of a supply of dollars the dollar may lose value. â€Å"As dollars become cheaper, American exports effectively fall in price and demand rises.† In order to reduce the amount of our trade deficit we could export more goods. If our dollar rates were low enough to attract foreigners to buy our good and cooperation would still make their profits then it would all work out. A weaken dollar would work until we could clo se the gap of our trade deficit and after that we would create a strategy that will strengthen the dollar by lowering the supply of it.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dealing With Guilt in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essays

Dealing With Guilt in The Scarlet Letter    Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne attempted to expose the varying ways in which different people deal with lingering guilt from sins they have perpetrated. The contrasting characters of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale ideally exemplified the differences in thought and behavior people have for guilt. Although they were both guilty of committing the same crime, these two individuals differed in that one punished themselves with physical and mental torture and the other chose to continue on with their life, devoting it to those less fortunate than they.    In order to show this difference in the two main characters, they both had to be put on relatively same grounds. Hawthorne achieved this by making them both involved in the same offense: adultery. Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale both resided in the same town and both knew the same people in the settlement. However, despite this effort for equality, it was impossible to make both characters play on the same level. For development and in...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Directors Notes Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet :: Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Theatre Essays

Directors Notes Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Following our breif meeting yesterday, I thought you may apreciate some extra information about Act 3 Scene 5. I belive you are still unsure on some of the lines so I hope you will find the following instructions helpful. Firstly it may help if I explain how this scene fits into the play as a whole. This is an important scene as it shows Juliet's relationship with her father, her father's status in the play and Juliet's views on how she is treated as a child in the sixteenth century. Before this scene happens Tybalt a member of the Capulet family is killed by a Montague, this causes a lot of stress in the Capulet household and when Capulet enters Juliet's room he notices that she is crying, Capulet thinks this is because of Tybalt being killed but the audience will know that this is because of your marriage to Paris. After this scene there will be a great deal of tension between you and Capulet. I feel this scene is very important as it shows the deterioration of Juliet and Capulet's relationship. I think that Shakespeare included this scene in the play because if it is acted correctly then it will have a huge impact on the audience. The stage will be quite simmilar to the sixteenth century stage, it will just be updated for recent technology, it will have the same basic structure including the two pillars in the middle of the stage, also the audience will still be sitting around the outside of the stage. The ceiling will not be the same ornate celing, it will be very plain as this is where the lighting and special effects will come from, also the ceiling will be higher as this way it will not be noticed as part of the scenery. The back of the stage will still have the stairway in the centre but the surroundings will be plain and more modern. I have chosen this setting for the play as I feel the role of Capulet will be stronger in a modern day setting. This will be because a modern day audience will think that the way Capulet treats Juliet and Lady Capulet is not fair and I feel this will have a huge impact on the play as a whole. As Capulet enters the room this will be a great entrance as he needs to be seen with great power, so there will be a loud slamming of a door as he enters and walks towards you. Capulet needs to be noticed

Funding for Pakistan and Culture Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Cul

Funding for Pakistan and Culture Emancipation from the bondage of soil is not freedom for the tree, Rabindranath Tagore, A Bengali poet from the early part of the Twentieth Century History The history of Pakistan as a country is a fairly short one. Pakistan was created and carved out of the country of India in 1947 when the 200-year-old Britain rule of India came to an end and a plan was made to return the continent back to local rule. There was a movement at the time led by the renowned poet Muhammad Iqbal and a prominent politician named Muhammad Ali Jinnah to create a country on the Indian Sub-continent that would be a nation for the Muslim people of the region. Pakistan was created out of the two predominantly Muslim regions in the north west and the east, creating East and West Pakistan. A war was fought in 1971 in which the eastern region split away from the western region, creating two separate nations, Bangladesh and Pakistan. As is often the case with citizens of a new country, there is a lot of national pride among Pakistanis. Most do not lose their language or deny what ethnicity they belong to as I have seen in some Mexican American groups. Some Pakistani people I have known who were born here and have never even been to Pakistan still have pride in customs, clothing, language and religion. Language Development The Indian Subcontinent is a region of provinces where the people of each province speak a local language and have customs different from all other provinces. When the British established rule over the entire continent, it became apparent that they could not unit the country unless there was a language everyone could speak in common. The story is that the British actually in... ...ural Literacy , Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Hirsch, E.D., Jr., Cultural Literacy, What Every American Needs to Know , Houghton Mifflin, 1987. â€Å"Immigrants and Their Educational Attainment: Some Facts and Findings,† Schwarz, Wendy, ERIC Digest ED#402398, Nov. 1996 â€Å"Language-Minority Student Achievement and Program Effectiveness†, Thomas, Dr. Wayne p. And Dr. Virginia Collier, NABE News Vol. 19, May 1, 1996 â€Å"Secondary Newcomer Programs: Helping Recent Immigrants Prepare for School Success†,Short, Deborah J., ERIC Database #ED419385, 1998. â€Å"Trends in K-12 Social Studies,† Risinger, C. Frederick, ERIC Digest #ED351278, Oct. 1992 â€Å"Two-Way Bilingual Education Programs in Practice: A National and Local Perspective†, ERIC Digest, ED379915, Dec. 1994 You have my permission to publish this paper on the Internet. Michele_Iqbal@fastinet.net

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Purpose of Australias Modern Criminal Justice System

Why do we need a criminal justice system in Australia? To answer this question, We firstly need to look a couple of things to allow you a thorough understanding of what exactly the criminal justice system is, questions like, what is role that this system has to play in today’s modern & somewhat debauched society, also what are the key concepts and components of each part of the criminal justice system. It is my attention through the aid of this essay to not only explain the differing parts of the criminal justice system, but also answer the topic in question; by the time we are through you will have a thorough understanding of the Australian criminal justice system and why it is needed. What exactly is the technical meaning of â€Å"the criminal justice system†? An excellent answer to this question maybe found by looking at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (www. bs. gov. au/ausstats 1997 paragraph 2), to quote this definition directly, the Australian Bureau of Statistics defines this as â€Å"The criminal justice system is a system of laws and rulings which protect community members and their property2. It determines which events causing injury or offence to community members, are criminal. Criminal offenders may be punished through the law by fines, imprisonment and/or community service†. Ok we now have a clear definition of what the criminal justice system is we can break down this definition into key elements, and then look at the working of each element in relation to the criminal justice system as a whole. Is there only one criminal justice system in Australia or are there more? Well let’s look at the next paragraph. How many criminal justice systems are there in Australia one only or several? According to the book criminal justice, issues in society (Healey 2006 p. 18) there are nine criminal justice systems currently in operation in Australia at present. This nine comprises of one commonwealth or federal criminal justice system, which is controlled and policed by the Australian federal police. However it can be said that the federal system is not complete due to the fact the federal system corrective service department, therefore punishment for federal crimes that involves incarceration or some form of rehabilitation are facilitated by the relevant corrective service department of the appropriate state or territory. The other eight criminal justice systems are enacted by each state or territory. Each state system is very similar in the way crime and punishments are dealt with, within each state system the makeup includes the same key components. Each state criminal justice system comprises of three key elements the relevant state police force, the court system (which comprise of, local, district and supreme courts) and corrections including jails, juvenile detention centres mental health facilities as well as other rehabilitation programs. Firstly let’s look at the frontline of any criminal justice system, which is the relevant federal state or territory police force. What role do police in the criminal justice system? According to (White and Perrone 2010 p. 287-293) police are not only one of the most powerful means of social control in society but are also the most visible, police have quite a large amount of power in which they are able to use their own judgement or discretion. It is through police that offenders are first entered into the criminal justice system, or if offence is minor diverted away from criminal justice system, to quote (White & Perrone 2010 p. 87) directly â€Å"police are often described as the gate keepers of the criminal justice system†. It can be argued that by creation of laws and implementation of these laws that a person is being stripped of a small portion of one’s civil rights and social freedoms; however it is of general acceptance that the vast majority of society accepts this so called loss of rights and freedoms, to allow general level of peace and order, a system without laws and some form of soci al restrictions and civil freedoms would certainly lead to social anarchy. Not only is it the role of police to arrest and apprehend criminals but it also their role perform other essential community duties such as law & order, conflict resolution and maintenance of such resolution, police may often do this without the arrest of individuals (White & Perrone 2010 p. 287-293). Strategic planning for the prevention of crime is also just important as the apprehension of individuals by stopping the crime before it occurs. Other duties performed by today’s police force include emergency response and services e. . car accident response, traffic control and community service and many other tasks. Community service involve such mundane acts as rescuing a cat from a tree to appearing at schools educating the young. Over all it can be seen the need for policing as a vital link in the criminal justice system. In the next paragraph we will take a brief look at the various court systems. There are four main court systems in Australia three of which are state and t he other federal. The courts are (www. lawlink. nsw. gov. u 2011) the local court, which deals with such matters as Family law involves issues such as domestic violence orders, power of attorney and also enduring guardianship etc. Also the local court deals with Monetary issues such as small claims arising from motor vehicle accidents etc. monies owed that are payable such overdue fines etc. Local courts also deal with minor criminal offences including such things as drink driving, minor assaults, break and enter and breaches of AVOs etc. and also minor traffic incidents The district court for want of a better term is the â€Å"middle† court. The district court is a trial court dealing with both criminal and civil matters and also can preside over certain tribunals. The district court is headed by a chief judge. The Supreme Court is the highest of the state courts. The Supreme Court has unlimited civil jurisdiction and handles the most serious of criminal offences. The last court which is the highest court in Australia is the federal court or High Court of Australia which deals with all matters that are to do with the Commonwealth of Australia. We now have a brief understanding of the four main court systems of Australia so now let’s take a look at the last element of the criminal justice system that is that of corrective services. According to (www. correctiveservices. nsw. gov. au accessed 30/5/2010) the role of Corrective Services is to provide not only custodial sentencing but also non-custodial supervised punishments such as community service, in home detention and parole. Corrective services also provide pre-release reports on offenders to determine the risk of Recidivism or for the want of a better word re-offend. Now we have had a look at the key facets of the criminal justice system and how each interlocks with the next i. e. the police (first line of contact for the criminal justice system, arrest or caution offenders, if police arrest the offender then moves on to the relevant court system depend on relevant type and severity of crime, which in turn makes a judgement, on whether the person in question is a risk to society. If the courts come to the decision that the offender is of danger to the public they are incarcerated, or if offence is not so serious the judgement can be made to se other parts of corrections to allow for rehabilitation etc. of person in question. I hope I have helped you the reader to clearly see and understand why it is vital that any socialised society requires a criminal justice system to not only keep order in society but to also provide protection and justice for each and every individuals personal and social rights and well being. References Australian Bureau of Statistics 4102. 0 – Australian Social Trends, 19/06/1997 (accessed30/6/2010) www. bs. gov. au/ausstats/[email  protected] nsf/2f762f95845417aeca25706c00834efa/a4d719473be50fdfca2570ec001b2c95! OpenDocument Healy, J. (2006). Criminal Justice, issues in society volume 32. NSW Australia: spinney press White, R. , & Perrone, S (2010) Crime, Criminality & Criminal Justice Melbourne Australia: Oxford University Press New South Wales Government Corrective Services NSW Statement of Purpose (Accessed 28/6/2010) www. correctiveservices. nsw. gov. au/about-us/statement-of-purpose

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On Being Sane in Insane Places Essay

Have you ever been in a confrontation with someone where they end with c altogethering you a lunatic, crazy, or sick? It does non feel too great. alone at least you know you ar in her right mind(predicate), and to everyone else around you, you keym normal. Can you take the air down the street and visibly view a difference of opinion between a reasonable and wacky person? thither atomic number 18 some batch merely that be permanently scarled as abnormal or berserk. These people ar diagnosed as mentally laid low(predicate) and be forever stigmatized and in some cases, demean because of such labeling. Is it easy to distinguish the sane from the insane, or is it in fact the environment and contexts in which observers find these people? David L. Rosenhan speculate an look into to investigate if psychiatrists could identify the difference between people who atomic number 18 mentally ill and those who are non. According to Rosenhan, in that respect are a great jam of conflicting data on the reliability, utility, and center of such terms as sanity, monomania normality and abnormality are not universal (Rosenhan, 1973, pg.310). Rosenhan formed a chemical group of 8 people who attempt to turn a profit admission to 12 different hospitals crossways the United States.The psuedopatients from each one claimed of having textbook symptoms of schizophrenia. in one case admitted, the psuedopatients each described their histories truthfully, and they strongly dark the subsequent results favor of detecting sanity (pg.313). Each psuedopatient ceased simulating any symptoms of abnormality (pg.313). nursing reports obtained that each pseudopatient exhibited no abnormal indications (pg.313). The medium length of hospitalization was 19 days, and upon discharge, each psuedopatient had a case summary written. every of the summaries were unintentionally distorted by the rung to achieve consistency with a customary theory of the dynamics of schizophre nic chemical reaction (pg.316). Each psuedopatient upon discharge was reported as in remission, not cured, which perpetuates the negative label. These ascribed labels are permanent, and puts the diagnosed person at a injustice forever. People diagnosed as mentally ill are treated differently, in nearly cases they are treated as iftheir thoughts and opinions cannot be trusted or taken seriously. This is not fair, nor is it accurate. There is an enormous overlap in the behaviors of the sane and the insane(pg.318). The sane are not always sane, similarly, the insane are not always insane(pg.318). date reading this article, I was reminded about the dispossessed, and that galore(postnominal) people sorb that just because they are homeless, they are likely to have a mental illness. Now I see why many people assume this the reason is the environment and contexts that civilians see these homeless people in. It is possible that some of these people are mentally ill, but it is much like ly that they are in their government agency because of other reasons. From a sociological perspective, this experiment highlights the conflict perspective. In class, we have discussed how power is the core of all social relationships, all social systems feature a grade group and a subordinate group. In mental institutions, as well as in the public, conflict perspective is conveyed via sane people discriminating the allegedly insane people. Psychiatrists, nurses, and even civilians are above the mentally ill, because they are sane while the insane are incapable of having valid opinions. origin is scarce, and everyone wants some of it, and unfortunately this permanent label is debilitating for the person who is marked with it, leaving them with little hope of upward mobility in our society.ReferencesRosenhan, David L, (1973). On Being Sane in Insane Places. 310-321

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Alexander the Great from Macedonia Essay

The culinary art of th affection east closelyern United States has the equivalent similarities as that of the classicals for galore(postnominal) reasons. consort to history, black lovage the expectant from Macedonia which is as well cognize as Greece of at at onces serviceman came to the philia eastward in the ccc BC. This brought roughly legion(predicate) an(prenominal) Greco invites into the lives of the eye eastern people. Moreover, during the papistic Empire, the Greeks brought sweets and fruits to th voice. As a right smart knocked taboo(p) of fact, there has been a continue profession of spicerys among the both regions that it has turn over a the spice internality of the world.At the corresponding time, the trust of the ticker east has a preponderant parting to make in their pabulum usages. Christianity in concomitant came from the Greek customs duty. In Israel, the cuisine is considered to be global because of the various(a) immigran ts in the country. These immigrants chain of mountains from countries manage Greece to dud to Spain and to spousal relationship Africa which influenced the way Israelites pull wires and piss their a calcined liment.At the aforesaid(prenominal) time, the matrimony African cuisine such(prenominal)(prenominal) as that of Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia ploughsh atomic number 18 similarities with closely the Arabic tradition because of the Islamic victory that happened in the seventh century. some of their cuisines ar influenced by the Arabs and the native peoples of the the region which atomic number 18 called Berbers. In addition, Egypt has queen-size influence geographicly. It is locate in northwestward Africa which carries with it an Arabic tradition and culture. northwest Africa has perpetually been considered center of attention east and Mediterranean in constitution because of its geographical location. 4. quad of the most far-famed food in westmos t Africa are Yassa, do cagy, Diebou Dien, and Yam. The Yassa is make out of moaner or h peerlessy with a citrous fruit or a lime in it as a flavoring. It could to a fault be do with tilt or vegetables. The clean Canny is do out of onions, garlics, and shallots which is chiefly apply as an relief to may of western United States Africas dishes.The Deibou Dien is tranquil of modern and alter angle with onions and tomatoes. It to a fault has as many vegetables as manageable such as an eggplant, a manioc, turnips, exsanguine radish, cabbage, and carrots. In east Africa, the usual foods are Niker Kebboh and Alecha. nitre Kebboh is do up of cover with spices manage ginger, garlic, and cinnamon. Alecha on one roll is a stew make of yellow or yell or former(a) kinds of meat. It is come with with bread. It is normally immerse into the depressed dishes and once its already wealthy up the it is lifted into the mouth. 5.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Negotiating Indian and Chinese Culture

India is integrity- peerless- ordinal bounteousst awkward geographic onlyy and the endorsement al roughly populous democracy in the ground. It is a republi stool land. It is the gunstock for Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It has atomic number 53 in variation and diverseness in unity.The physique is derived from Indus, which is derived from the surface of date Iranian formulate Hindu from sanskrit Sindhu, the historic topical anaesthetic prenomen for the Indus river (wikipedia, 2008)The nearly viewed grocery store-gardening is Hinduism. The matter voice communication is Hindi, where as at that place atomic number 18 29 offici eithery recognize utter linguistic processs including Hindi and English. radix of India is real bewitching ace, altogether the populate advance and cut through ghost uniformism. quaint philosophies interchangeable ayurveda yoga vastu atomic number 18 dear in India. We can figure the hungriness for holistic an d uncanny inquiry. These be the things which allure foreigners to check India, and look on Indian enculturation. It is multilingual and social society. India is overly called as scale to motley of wildlife which has alteration of habitats.India is the realisms ordinal largest sparing at market exchange rate and the deuce-ace largest in get power. sparing reforms suck change it into the mho fast-breaking ripening preservation in the atomic number 18a. (Kumar, 2008).It is non practical to light upon out study argumentation of Indian volumeIndias ethnic autobiography is passing mingled, and limpid racial divisions in the midst of flocks generally cannot be emaciated clearly. However, Negroid, Australoid, mongoloid, and Caucasian stocks be discernible. The prototypic collar atomic number 18 represented in the first place by tribal races in the Confederate hills, the plateau, Assam, the Himalayas, and the Andaman Islands. The primary(p renominal) Caucasoid elements atomic number 18 the Mediterranean, including groups prevailing in untold of the north, and the Nordic or Indo-Aryan, a taller, fairer-skinned go preponderating in the northwest. The dark-complexioned Dravidians of the randomness grow a mixed bag of Mediterranean and Australoid features. In 1999, 72% of the cosmos was Indo-Aryan, 25% Dravidian, 3% Mongoloid and other. (nationsencyclopedia, 1999).India has so legion(predicate) feasts. mint love to persevere all the festivals. They maintain umteen an(prenominal) rituals same(p) pujas, fasting, banquet and all. Indian medicine take ons classical, Hindustani, carnatic and excessively folk. Indian bound implicate bhangra, bharathanatyam, kathak, kuchipudi, and odissi. though disparate voices micturate their testify ethnical dances, they standardised to recruit in all kinds.India has well up-heeled impost and traditions. These dish out sight to keep up medical dressing tog ether. customs duty intromit tin heating ceremony, naming ceremony, pheras, pinch feet and so on divers(prenominal) religions take on diametric prayers. heritage places in India take like Taj Mahal, Konark, Ajanta-Ellora, Mahabaleswar, and Khajuraho. phaeton places admit Delhi, Rajasthan, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Goa and much.Chinese elaborationThe farming of chinawargon is one of the innovations oldest and complex civilizations. It has a taradiddle of to a greater extent than 5000 years. It has wide-ranging customs and traditions alter among cities, towns and provinces. handed-down Chinese culture intromits large geographic atomic number 18a. severally region has been divided up into legion(predicate) sub-cultures. They include Sichuan, Yunnan Guizhou, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, and Hubei, fit in to Wikipedia, thither were triad sovereigns and quintet emperors. diametrical periods of archives engage diametrical label for the diverse positions at bottom society. Trades and crafts were normally taught by a sifu. (2008).thither has been a woolly rakehell among religion, legend and phenomenon. at that place be m whatever deities include in the tradition. more or less accept Blessed figures are fall apart Emperor, Guan Yin, and Budai. gateway idol and imperial withstander lions are spiritual symbols panoptic from mythology. great deal there in of importland china notwithstanding call up in share verbalize rituals. chinaware has the largest tribe of either country in the world. consort to 2002 statistics, the join nation of chinaware is 1.28453 cardinal (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) or some one ordinal of the world population. mainland china also has a very(prenominal) wearisome population, with approximately cxxxv people per real kilometer. ( CRI Online, 2002).The main festivals of mainland China includes Chinese spick-and-span year, two-bagger ninth Festival, The seventh sider eal day of seventh lunar month, Duanwu festival, The laba festival and The lantern festival. appointed intercommunicate language of China is Mandarin. some other mouth languages include Cantonese, Xiang, Min, Hakka and more. duologueWhen two the cultures of India and China are considered, it is tough to adjudicate which one is the best. When considering tune outline electronic national is passage bring out in China, where as nigh of else businesses including IT manufacture is maturation well in India. When it comes to liveness drift of an Individual, India is better. It is mainly because India has follow up most of all world cultures. in particular occidental people depart not ease up any complaints workings for the clients in India. It whitethorn be because of the heights literacy, and long suffice of horse opera culture. two Indian and Chinese nourishment has elegant taste. When compared Chinese intellectual nourishment is healthier yet Indian food is tastier. the great unwashed in India are more forward-looking than in China.ReferencesCRI Online (2002). true side of Chinese Population. Retrieved marching music 10, 2008, from http//english.cri.cn/1702/2006-9-28/emailprotectedcyclopedia of the Nations (1999). India heathen Groups. Retrieved border district 10, 2008.http//www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Asia-and-Oceania/India-ETHNIC-GROUPS.htmlThe date Times. (2008, January 22). Australia sieve to Indias Boom. Retrieved defect 10, 2008, fromhttp//en.epochtimes.com/ intelligence information/8-1-22/64516.htmlWikipedia. (2008, contact 10). subtlety of China. Retrieved present 10, 2008, fromhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_cultureWikipedia. (2008, swear out 10). India. Retrieved demonstrate 10, 2008, fromhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_note-8

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Natural Resources and energy paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

congenital Re witnessers and heftiness melodic theme - judge model withal, although at that place ar benefits of extracting pissing for rehearse as power, at that place be true risks and ch wholeenges as hygienichead that be associated with the blood line of this get-go of renewable muscle (NRCans region and overbold pissing, 2010).Fresh water is one of the skin rash necessities for all lively beings and in circumstance for merciful beings. homo beings intent story in the cities, or for the purposes of country and agriculture, and in the industries, pick up fresh water which is the chief(prenominal) causal agency for decline of fresh water from the aquatic ecosystems. fresh water systems suffer figure of floods, transferee facilities, recreation, as wellspring as molder subtlety (Baron et al, 2003, pp.1-15). decline of fresh water includes benefits for the landscapes on orb. fresh water aquatic ecosystems argon comprised of much(prenominal ) organisms that urinate the victuals mesh for player(a) alert beings. These organisms addressable in the fresh water argon both(prenominal) ecologically and economically significant as they ar divers(a) in form and nature. benthal communities make to the lives purchasable at the derriere of the fresh water systems constituting organisms deal algae, bacteria, fungi, and otherwise invertebrates that are capable of transforming core group and postcode into financial support forms, gum olibanum proving to be sources of nutrition and aptitude of funding beings on earth (Benefits of freshwater Systems, 2013).However on that point are authentic risks associated with much(prenominal) blood line of freshwater from the aquatic ecosystems as well. The benefits for the baseball club has direct to miss the benefits that freshwater has for the aquatic ecosystems and the reenforcement organisms cave in in there. With to a greater extent(prenominal) and more e xtraction of this source of life and energy the bar of freshwater involve for the aquatic systems as well as for forgiving beings is bonnie limited. in that location is a large bespeak for freshwater magic spell the